Line Listing of Tribal Traditional Healers - Perspectives and Practices of Tribal Traditional Healers
Client - GRAAM
Health and Beyond Foundation supported GRAAM for the field activities and data collection and ethnographic study of the tribal traditional healers in selected districts of Jharkhand
Conduct a Line-listing of traditional healers in 7 select districts.
Ethnographic observation of 2 healers belonging to different tribes, and
also different types of healers.
In depth interviews
Jharkhand. Districts of –
Dumka, Pakur, Lohardaga, Simdega, Gumla, West Singbhum and Kunti
Completed the line listing of around 600 Traditional healers of all castes.
Identified 260 Tribal Traditional healers and their demographic details
Facilitated ethnographic study and in-depth interviews of a sample of healers