Medical Monitoring and Mentoring Project
HABF has been partnering with Miracle Foundation since 2017 for this project. Miracle Foundation is a non-profit organization that brings life-changing care to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Miracle Foundation has taken a stand for orphaned children. Its “Child First” approach is multi-faceted, collaborative and community-based.
HABF together with Miracle Foundation India is ensuring optimal health of children in the homes with access to clean water, nutrition, environmental cleanliness and health care interventions. Mentoring visits are undertaken by the HABF team to the assigned children‘s home on biannual basis. Individual health records are monitored and guidance provided as needed to ensure health standards as laid by Miracle Foundation India are implemented. The staff and children are also trained on different aspects of good health, nutrition and well-being.
Monitor & mentor the health and overall growth of orphaned children in Child Care institutions
- Children of ages 6 to 18 years residing in these Child Care institutions
- Staff and counselors working in these institutions
- 800 children and around 50 staff monitored and mentored
- Improved health and growth indicators (BMI)
- Improved nutrition & Dietary practices
- Complete vaccinations for 6 vaccine-preventable illnesses
- Increased awareness on COVID19, WASH and mental wellness
- Improved institutional facilities
- Staff trained on health, nutrition and wellness